Dr. Hamilton and Spruce Medical Group providers will no longer prescribe or refill controlled substance prescriptions. We can help you find an alternative medication for your symptoms, or you can call your insurance to find a new primary care physician.
Have the pharmacy send the office an electronic request. If your insurance allows it, and the provider agrees we will approve the request.
Check with your prescription benefits.
Use PortalConnect to message us, most new prescriptions may require an office visit. Plan accordingly.
Depending on the Rx being requested the provider may allow a 15 or 30 day supply as a courtesy. You must be available to come in BEFORE running out.
*Controlled substances will not be refilled over the phone - please make an appointment
Have your pharmacy faxed the office the request for a Prior Auth. Please allow up to 15 days for the insurance to reply. We ask that you contact your pharmacy before your medication runs out to request a refill. Physicians may have to review your medical record before prescribing or refilling any medications. Please note that any new medications may require a patient visit and all controlled substances require a visit.
Please understand this the provider is who will justify if the referral needs to be submitted as urgent.
Once the request is made by the pharmacy, please allow 24 hours for the request to process. Always plan accordingly so you don't run out of medications.