Telehealth: The Advantages of TelemedicineFeb 20, 2024Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Bidding Farewell to My Trusted Textbook Companions: A Journey of Medicine and MemoriesNov 25, 2023As I find myself in a new chapter of life, with grown children and a need to downsize, the question arises: What do I do with these textbooks from medical school? Their pages are filled with years of knowledge, notes, and memories.
Breast Cancer screening and treatment after 80Jan 03, 2023The usual preventive care recommendation is to screen women for breast cancer before 75. Whether to screen for breast cancer after 80 is depend on how healthy the woman is. This article will share with you the tools I use.
Postmenopausal hormone replacement - to use or not to useNov 08, 2022After 20 years of research, 5 times USPSTF (US preventive services task force) recommended against postmenopausal hormone replacement from USPSTF. HRT is helpful in treating post-menopausal symptoms.
costochondritisOct 17, 2022this severe chest pain can scare you into thinking you are having a heart attack!?
Sculpsure : What to KnowSep 17, 2021Patients describe the treatment as feeling first cool and alternating to a deep warmth - it is generally a well tolerated treatment.
Annual PhysicalsAug 31, 2021A physical examination is a routine test your primary care provider (PCP) performs to check your overall health.
Blood PressureAug 06, 2021What are normal blood pressure numbers? A normal blood pressure level is less than 120/80 mmHg. No matter your age, you can take steps each day to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.
Return for in-person examJul 08, 2021Return to the office for an in-person exam is very important. This blog describe a few reasons why.
Time to return to the officeJul 07, 2021We encouraged televisit during the pandemic. Now that we are vaccinated, it is important to return for office visits. This article described the type of visit that should be done in person, what can be done by televisits.
Nurse PractitionersJul 06, 2021Nurse practitioners is an advanced practice registered nurse and a type of mid-level practitioner. NPs are trained to assess patient needs, order and interpret diagnostic and laboratory tests, diagnose disease, formulate and prescribe treatment plans.
ArthritisFeb 26, 2021Arthritis is a broad term that covers any joint inflammation illness that leads to joint pain.
機能醫學 Functional MedicineNov 13, 2020Are you always tired, do you have anxiety for no reason? do you have sleeping problems that sleeping pills don't even work? Are you itchy everywhere with or without rash? Do you know which micro-nutrient you are missing?
Why Annual Wellness Visits are Important?Nov 06, 2020a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) to create or update a personalized prevention plan. This plan may help prevent illness based on your current health and risk factors.
How WarmSculpting WorksAug 27, 2020You work out. You eat your fruits and veggies. But there’s always a few troublesome areas all of us can never quite change. WarmSculpting treatments help bring out the hard work you put in every day, so you can feel your best.
Real SculpSure Patient Results Aug 18, 2020Each 25 minute WarmSculpting™ treatment destroys fat cells in problem areas without surgery or downtime. WarmSculpting is ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise.
What is ACE? Why is it important?Aug 14, 2020ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. It is a study by CDC that links any childhood trauma that people may have had, to chronic diseases that develop in their adult lives.
Latest FDA-cleared Body Sculpting PlatformAug 13, 2020SculpSure can be a solution to permanently eliminating stubborn fat cells!
What's GERD diet?Jan 15, 2019What is GERD? GERD is gastroesophageal reflux. It's when stomach acid comes up into the esophagus.
How to be happier without drugs?Jan 13, 2019Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, and Lexapro, are just a few brands of serotonin that we prescribe for those who suffer from depression, and/or anxiety disorder.
Low-impact Cardio ExercisesJan 13, 2019What is low-impact cardio? While it’s important to incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyles, a heavy physical activity can sometimes have a negative impact on your joints.
How To Maintain A Low Sodium Diet?Jan 03, 2019What is sodium? Sodium is an element that is found in many foods as well as water.
when to initiate treatment for borderline hypertensionSep 14, 2018We used to start treating high blood pressure (hypertension) when it is consistently above 140/90, in order to prevent stroke and heart attack.
Should I try alkaline diet?Sep 12, 2018The body's bloodstream maintains a stable PH no matter what we eat, and there is no way that you can affect your blood PH by eating acidic foods.
Don't ask for a test of PH level of the bloodSep 04, 2018I get asked about checking the blood PH or urine PH because more and more people are trying Alkaline diet. They are following the diet and want to monitor if the diet made a difference.